Godha Stuthi - 14

Thavth Bhuktha maalya SurabhIkrutha ChArumouLE:
hithvA bhujAnthara-gathAmapi VyjayanthIm
pathyus tavEswari mitha: prathighAtha lOlA:
BahArtha pathra ruchim aarachayanthi bhrungA:

Oh IsvarI, who controls the Lord, who Himself controls the entire world! Oh
ANDavanai aaLum ANDALE! Your Lord has the famous, never fading vana maalai
known as VyjayanthI on his shoulders and chest. The divine fragrance of that garland
attracts the honeybees. They hover around that garland on the Lord's chest. At this
time of morning, Your father brings the flower garland, which was worn earlier on
Your tresses and presents it to the Lord. Your Lord bends His neck, receives it and
wears that special garland with the sambhandham of Your kesam on His head as
Kesavan. Immediately, there is a big rushing by the bees from VyjayanthI maalai to
the garland of Yours on the head of the Lord. They jostle with each other to get there
first and circle around and thus form a black umbrella as it were over the head of the
Lord. The honeybees seem to vote to indicate the superiority of the fragrance of Your
garland over that of the VyjayanthI maalai from their expert perspective.

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