Day 10, Godha Weaves a Vow(English Poem)

Maidens at vow
Those that sense the pleasure
In his worship now
May you not care to wake those up
That yet remain at rest
Behind their unopened doors .
He is the one
Whose body
Is bedecked with fragrant basil beads
He is the one whose praise
Shall free us
From shackles of our mortal deeds
He is ‘Rama’
Who upheld the law of every being
In the ages
He is the one from whose hands
The evil that slept the lengthiest long
Was shown the way
To the abode
Where lives the deads’ king.
Such evil that slept so long
Should he be the one
To hold you asleep this deep ?
Oh maiden that rests so far
You are but
So dear as none could par
May you now awake anew
And open the fastened door before you ?

2009 Srirangam Andal Alankaaram

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