Godha Stuthi - 26


RangE TaDithguNavathO Ramayaiva GodhE
KrishNAmbhudasya gaDithAm KrupayA suvrushtyA
dhourgathya Dhurvisha vinAsa sudhAnadhIm ThvAm
Santha: prapadhya smayanthyachirENa thApAn

Here, Swamy Desikan describes how Godhai becomes the nectarine river that removes all the SamsAric afflictions of the suffering jeevans. The blessed ones quell their SamsAra tApams by performing SaraNAgathy to You, who has incarnated in AchArya roopam through Bhagavath krupA.

The key words of this slOkam are: “Santha: ThvAm prapathya achirEna tApAn
Samayanthy” The MahAns perform SaraNAgathy to You (immerse in Your nectarine flow) and immediately quench their samsAric taapams (heat, afflictions). What is the nature of this nectarine flow? It is “dhourgathya dhurvisha vinAsa sudhA nadhi”. It is a life saving nectraine pravAham (SudhA nadhi). What kind of life saving does it accomplish? It destroys the powerful Kaalakooda poison named the unfortunate samsAric sufferings (Dourgathya dhurvisha-vinAsa SudhA nadheem). How does it happen? It happens because of the krupai of the Supreme Being at Srirangam with the color of the dark rainy cloud, who is accompanied by the lightning creeper named RanganAyaki seated on His chest in a bhadra peetam (RangE sTithasya, Ramayaiva tadith-guNavatha: KrushNAmbhudhasya krupayA suvrushtyA taapAn samayanthy).

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