
In the current century, where we are talking about women's equal rights, there lived a young woman who without talking or fighting, acquired a special place, not only in the heart of human beings, but also in the heart of the Almighty. She is none other than Sri Godha Devi also known as Sri Andal. Sri Godha is the only woman among 12 Alwars.(Alwars are Vaishnavite Saints who were deeply immersed in Lord Vishnu and HIS attributes). Sri Godha is the daughter of Perialwar, one of the 12 Alwars. Sri Godha also has another one among 12. Out of 12 (tamil) months in a year, one month is entirely devoted to Sri Godha and one of her work Thiruppavai. Sri Godha wrote a song/hymn on Sri Vishnu everyday in the month of Margazhi. The 30 songs are collectively called as Thiruppavai. Therefore the tamil month MARGAZHI(roughly from Dec.14 - Jan 14) is just a pseudonym for "Sri Godha's Month".

This  Margazhi(2010-2011) gave us an opportunity to be in constant touch with Perumal.  We share our experiences and learning through this blog.  There are lot to say about Andal, Perumal and Thiruppavai.  But we have done only a little here.  Hope by Perumal's grace we would continue to learn about HIM and everything about HIM. 

With little knowldege acquired from here and there, we have put forth this blog about Sri Godha, Thiruppavai,and the rituals associated with Margazhi month. 

The links for the posts of this blog on the right side of the page.  Day 1- Maargazhi Thingal, Day 2- Vaiyathu Vaazhveergaal, Day 3- Ongi Ulagalantha……………Day 30 - Vanga Kadal kadaintha.
Each day we have 6 sections:1)Godha Stuthi 2)Thiruppavai - Meaning 3) Godha Weaves a vow(Thiruppavai as English Poem)4)Kolam 5) Recipe 6)Did you know?
Somedays we have Reader's contribution too.  We have given individual links to each section too. We also have Thiruppavai Songs.

We sincerely apologize for all errors and omissions that occurs in this blog. Your comments, criticisms and suggestions, would greatly help us to enhance this blog.


  1. Hi, thanks for the initiative.its very useful and informative...Kolam is superb.Jaya

  2. hi!!
    so glad to find a blog on dear Aandal.
    i hope you will write more and pray that Aandal will bless us all with more and more love and service unto Perumal
